To do what really matters, you must set Posterioritites – things you will not do or will quit doing.

The first rule for the concentration of executive efforts is to slough off the past that has ceased to be productive.” –Peter Drucker

“One half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you get it.” — Sidney Howard

Remember, Jesus did not do everything. But He did everything the Father wanted Him to do! He did what mattered.


  1. Tasks not to tackle.

Reflection question: What are some things I should not do? What are some things I think I would like to do that I probably should not even start?

  1. Tasks no longer worth doing.

Reflection question: What are some things I am now doing I should stop?

  1. Tasks that won’t be missed.

Reflection question: What are some tasks or programs we could stop and hardly anyone would notice?

  1. Tasks someone else can do.

Reflection question: What are some things others could do that I am now doing?

A young violinist was asked the secret of her success. She replied,  “Planned neglect.” She continued, “For many years I deliberately neglected everything that didn’t help me reach my goal.”

“All true leaders have learned to say no to the good in order to say yes to the best.”  ― John Maxwell 

Some very helpful Reflection Questions that  have helped me identify things I should not be doing are:

  1. What am I willing not to achieve?
  2. What am I not called to do?
  3. What is not important to me?
  4. What gets in the way?

You do not have time to do everything, but you do have time to do everything that matters.